Balam is a private equity fund manager specialized in investing in energy generation projects based on renewable sources (mainly solar photovoltaic, wind and mini-hydro plants), cogeneration, energy efficiency and sustainable projects exclusively in Mexico.
In September 2015, the partners of Sancus Capital acquired a majority stake in the Balam managing company, which managed Balam Fund I, L.P. since 2013.
In just over 24 months from the entry of the Sancus Capital partners into management, the lifting of 2 additional vehicles was achieved and the investment of 100% of the commitments of the vehicles under management was completed, representing an investment in assets worth approx. 800 million USD.
A differential and proactive approach was applied in the design and implementation of the fund’s investment strategy. maximizing distributions from the first year of project operation based on moderate levels of leverage.
Balam is a benchmark in the Mexican electricity generation market, with a portfolio of 4 solar photovoltaic and wind projects in operation (more than 500 MW) and selling long-term energy to important business groups in Mexico.