In order to maximize the long-term sustainability of its investments, Sancus Capital establishes as conditioning factors in the selection of investments the identification and management of potential ESG risks to which the various investments may be exposed.

To this end, Sancus Capital establishes a series of principles and commitments with the following approach:


The environmental factor allows to show greater clarity on the environmental impact that business activities have on the ecosystem. They create awareness in order to carry out practices that are less harmful to natural resources.

Therefore, Sancus Capital invests in projects and companies that address challenges and propose solutions against climate change, one of its main investment environments being the renewable energy sector.

From an environmental point of view, Sancus Capital is guided by the following principles:


Social aspects focus on issues related to the management of the Management Company and its vehicles, towards people who may be affected by its activity, as well as on improving team member relations, helping to create better opportunities and greater equity among team members, as well as improving working conditions and other essential elements such as health and safety issues.

People are Sancus Capital’s greatest asset, and we promote a work environment that fosters mutual respect, collaboration, diversity and personal development.

Sancus Capital works to attract and engage the best professionals in order to provide the best service to its clients. Sancus Capital invests in people and gives them absolute trust and, in return, demands reciprocity in that trust in order to work together and achieve ambitious goals.

Sancus Capital is responsible for making a positive contribution to society and adheres to the strictest ethical standards. It promotes integrity, respect and transparency in all aspects of its work.

Sancus Capital, from a human point of view, is governed by the following principles:

Fair and honest treatment, promoting transparency and honesty.

Respect for diversity, without labor discrimination based on gender, race, age, ethnic origin, religion, or any other circumstance.

Promoting employment stability labor flexibility and work-life balance, safety and occupational health among its professionals..

Promoting equal opportunities among all its professionals, aspiring to have a balanced representation between men and women in all functions and responsibilities..

Protection of human rights in accordance with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Attention to ensure that its employees act underethical and responsible principles and standards of conduct.

Promotion of social and environmental products and services, with the aim, among others, of promoting social and financial inclusion and contributing to environmental conservation and climate change mitigation.

Incorporation of ethical, social and environmental criteria in its decisions, in addition to financial and risk criteria.

Through our “Sancus Foundation”, we seek to contribute to our communities by promoting academic opportunities and supporting environmental initiatives.


Good governance focuses on various aspects of company management, such as internal policies, compensation and internal controls, among others. In order to make responsible investments, these factors are examined and incorporated into the overall analysis of any investment.

In this sense, an efficient and effective decision-making process will be applied in all its investment strategies, promoting a constant improvement of its processes and risk management, always taking into account the interests of its unitholders and/or shareholders.

In this way, Sancus Capital imparts this sustainability policy to each and every member of its team in order to integrate ESG criteria within its investment strategies, with the objective of accrediting a process of integration of sustainable risks in the investment decision making process that allows identifying and managing the potential ESG risks to which the different investments may be affected.

Sustainability and ESG Risk Integration Policy

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